Latin search results for: magna




  1. at high price
  2. intense
  3. loud
  4. notable/famous
  5. old
  6. |full/complete/utter/pure
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Very frequent, in all Elementry Latin books, top 1000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)



  1. extensive/spacious
  2. large/great/big/vast/huge
  3. much
  4. powerful
  5. tall/long/broad
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Very frequent, in all Elementry Latin books, top 1000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)



  1. bold/confident
  2. distinguished
  3. great (achievement)
  4. mighty
  5. proud
  6. skilled
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Very frequent, in all Elementry Latin books, top 1000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 3rd declension
  • gender: masculine


  1. baron
  2. great man
  3. important person
  4. magnate
  5. tenant-in-chief
  6. vassal (Z)
  • Age: Late, post-classical (3rd-5th centuries)
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: Lewis & Short, “A Latin Dictionary”, 1879 (Lewis & Short)


  • declension: 3rd declension
  • gender: neuter


  1. great things (pl.)
  2. mighty works/deeds/words
  • Age: Late, post-classical (3rd-5th centuries)
  • Area: Ecclesiastic, Biblical, Religious
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: Lewis & Short, “A Latin Dictionary”, 1879 (Lewis & Short)


  • declension: 2nd declension
  • gender: masculine


  1. baron
  2. great man
  3. important person
  4. magnate
  5. tenant-in-chief
  6. vassal (Z)
  • Age: Late, post-classical (3rd-5th centuries)
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: Lewis & Short, “A Latin Dictionary”, 1879 (Lewis & Short)



  1. brave, bold, noble in spirit (esp. kings/heroes)
  2. generous
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 3rd declension
  • gender: feminine


  1. generosity
  2. highmindedness, loftiness of spirit
  3. magnanimity
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 20,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 3rd declension
  • gender: feminine


  1. generosity
  2. highmindedness, loftiness of spirit
  3. magnanimity
  • Age: Latin not in use in Classical times (6-10th centuries) Christian
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)