Latin search results for: cur

Showing page 1 of 4. Found 98 results total.




  1. because
  2. for what reason/purpose?
  3. on account of which?
  4. why, wherefore
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Very frequent, in all Elementry Latin books, top 1000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 1st declension
  • gender: feminine


  1. attention, care, pains, zeal
  2. concern, worry, anxiety, trouble
  3. cure, treatment
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Very frequent, in all Elementry Latin books, top 1000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • conjugation: 1st conjugation


  1. desire
  2. procure
  3. regard w/anxiety/interest
  4. take trouble/interest
  5. undertake
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Very frequent, in all Elementry Latin books, top 1000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 1st declension
  • gender: feminine


  1. administration, supervision
  2. command (army)
  3. office/task/responsibility/post
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Very frequent, in all Elementry Latin books, top 1000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • conjugation: 1st conjugation


  1. arrange/see/attend to
  2. heal/cure
  3. provide for
  4. take care of
  5. worry/care about
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Very frequent, in all Elementry Latin books, top 1000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • conjugation: 3rd conjugation
  • voice: intransitive


  1. run/trot/gallop, hurry/hasten/speed, move/travel/proceed/flow swiftly/quickly
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Very frequent, in all Elementry Latin books, top 1000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 4th declension
  • gender: masculine


  1. career
  2. course/direction, line of advance, orbit
  3. race
  4. series
  5. voyage/passage
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Very frequent, in all Elementry Latin books, top 1000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 4th declension
  • gender: masculine


  1. charge, onrush
  2. forward movement/march
  3. revolution (wheel)
  4. running
  5. speed/zeal
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Very frequent, in all Elementry Latin books, top 1000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 1st declension
  • gender: feminine


  1. court (Papal/royal)
  2. curia/division of Roman people
  3. meeting house
  4. senate
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: Legal, Government, Tax, Financial, Political, Titles
  • Geography: Italy/Rome
  • Frequency: Frequent, top 2000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 4th declension
  • gender: masculine


  1. cart
  2. chariot, light horse vehicle
  3. triumph
  4. triumphal chariot
  5. wheels on plow
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Frequent, top 2000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)



  1. crooked
  2. curved/bent/arched
  3. morally wrong
  4. stooped/bowed
  5. w/many bends
  6. winding
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Frequent, top 2000+ words
  • Source: General, unknown or too common to say


  • declension: 3rd declension
  • gender: feminine


  1. administration, management, taking charge
  2. office charged with duties
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Frequent, top 2000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)



  1. (consul/praetor/curule aedile)
  2. curule (rank)
  3. [sella ~ => chair of state]
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: Legal, Government, Tax, Financial, Political, Titles
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Frequent, top 2000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 3rd declension
  • gender: feminine


  1. healing/curing
  2. object of care
  3. treatment, surgical operation, medical care
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Frequent, top 2000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)



  1. careworn
  2. eager to know, curious, inquisitive
  3. labored/elaborate/complicated
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Frequent, top 2000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)



  1. attentive
  2. careful, diligent, painstaking
  3. fussy
  4. meddlesome, interfering
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Frequent, top 2000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 2nd declension
  • gender: neuter


  1. act of running
  2. chariot
  3. course of action/heavenly bodies
  4. lap, track
  5. race
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Frequent, top 2000+ words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • conjugation: 1st conjugation
  • voice: intransitive


  1. run constantly about
  2. run over
  3. run/rush/hurry to-and-fro/hither-and-thither
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • conjugation: 1st conjugation
  • voice: transitive


  1. circumcise
  2. diminish
  3. geld
  4. shorten, cut short, abbreviate
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: Agriculture, Flora, Fauna, Land, Equipment, Rural
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • conjugation: 1st conjugation
  • voice: transitive


  1. bend/arch, make curved/bent
  2. form a curve
  3. influence
  4. make stoop/bow/yield
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 1st declension
  • gender: feminine


  1. Cyrenae (pl.), town in north-west Libia, associated district including Crete
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: Africa
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)



  1. castrated, gelded
  2. circumcised
  3. docked
  4. incomplete, missing a part
  5. mutilated
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: Agriculture, Flora, Fauna, Land, Equipment, Rural
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: undeclined


  1. Cyrenae (pl.), town in north-west Libia, associated district including Crete
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: Africa
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • conjugation: 1st conjugation
  • voice: intransitive


  1. be in motion
  2. race/run races
  3. resort frequently
  4. run about/to-and-fro/habitually
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)



  1. carefully/attentively, w/care
  2. curiously/inquisitively, w/curiosity
  3. elaborately
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)

Showing page 1 of 4. Found 98 results total.