Latin search results for: con

Showing page 21 of 91. Found 2,254 results total.




  1. broken, abrupt
  2. cut up/off
  3. minute/detailed, very small
  4. short, brief, concise
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • conjugation: 2nd conjugation
  • voice: transitive


  1. be guilty of, perpetuate
  2. merit fully, deserve, incur, earn (punishment/reward)
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)



  1. arching/arched, vaulted, convex
  2. well-rounded
  3. [~ in => set in a curve round]
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: Technical, Architecture, Topography, Surveying
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)



  1. neatly, prettily, daintily, beautifully
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 3rd declension
  • gender: feminine


  1. delay, hesitation
  2. hesitating about/delaying of (w/GEN)
  3. tardiness, inactivity
  • Age: Late, post-classical (3rd-5th centuries)
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • conjugation: 3rd conjugation
  • voice: transitive


  1. confide (secret or similar)
  2. consign/commit (L+S)
  3. entrust for safe keeping
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 3rd declension
  • gender: masculine


  1. fellow gambler
  2. one in collusion to hurt another
  3. playmate, companion in play
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 2nd declension
  • gender: neuter


  1. cross-roads (usu. pl.), junction
  2. people/shrine at crossroads
  3. point of choice
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • conjugation: 3rd conjugation
  • voice: transitive


  1. clap/strike (the hands) together, applaud (enthusiastically/with emotion)
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • conjugation: 4th conjugation


  1. dig over (land)
  2. hoe
  3. hoe thoroughly/to pieces
  4. rake (L+S)
  5. weed (crops)
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: Agriculture, Flora, Fauna, Land, Equipment, Rural
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • conjugation: 4th conjugation
  • voice: impersonal passive


  1. it agrees/came together/is agreed/asserted
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • conjugation: 1st conjugation
  • voice: transitive


  1. illuminate, make bright, light up fully
  2. look over, survey
  3. traverse, explore
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • conjugation: 3rd conjugation
  • voice: deponent


  1. die together/with
  2. perish/be destroyed together
  3. work oneself to death (with)
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: Lewis & Short, “A Latin Dictionary”, 1879 (Lewis & Short)


  • declension: 2nd declension
  • gender: neuter


  1. early night/first sleep/bedtime
  2. sexual intercourse
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)



  1. assured/confident
  2. bold/daring/undaunted
  3. overconfident, presumptuous
  4. trusting
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • conjugation: 3rd conjugation
  • voice: transitive


  1. break up/down/in pieces/in two
  2. shatter/destroy/crush/ruin/wreck
  3. subvert/undo
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 3rd declension
  • gender: masculine


  1. messmate, friend, companion
  2. one who lives with a person on intimate terms
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 3rd declension
  • gender: masculine


  1. adviser, counselor, one who gives counsel
  2. client/one who asks (lawyer/oracle)
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: Legal, Government, Tax, Financial, Political, Titles
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • conjugation: 1st conjugation
  • voice: transitive


  1. make known, declare, reveal
  2. point out (fully/distinctly), show where
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: Lewis & Short, “A Latin Dictionary”, 1879 (Lewis & Short)



  1. close
  2. coherent
  3. dense, thick
  4. wedged together, closely/tightly packed
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)



  1. impure/adulterated/changed for worse
  2. incorrect/improper/disorderly
  3. seditious
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 3rd declension
  • gender: feminine


  1. agreement, compact, covenant
  2. assembly/meeting
  3. suing/prosecuting a defendant
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: Legal, Government, Tax, Financial, Political, Titles
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 4th declension
  • gender: masculine


  1. agreement
  2. concession
  3. movement?
  4. permission, leave
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)



  1. planned/prudent, well-considered/advised
  2. skilled/practiced/learned/experienced
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 4th declension
  • gender: masculine


  1. (personal/logical) association
  2. contagion, infection, pollution
  3. touch, contact
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: For Dictionary, in top 10,000 words
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)

Showing page 21 of 91. Found 2,254 results total.