English search results for: bolt of lightning

Showing page 252 of 369. Found 9,221 results total.



  • declension: undeclined


  1. bass string (instrument)
  2. lowest note of tetrachord
  3. notes of lowest tetrachord
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: Drama, Music, Theater, Art, Painting, Sculpture
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 1st declension
  • gender: feminine


  1. singing of hymns
  • Age: Medieval (11th-15th centuries)
  • Area: Ecclesiastic, Biblical, Religious
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: L.F. Stelten, “Dictionary of Eccles. Latin”, 1995 (Ecc)



  1. of hymns
  • Age: Medieval (11th-15th centuries)
  • Area: Ecclesiastic, Biblical, Religious
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: L.F. Stelten, “Dictionary of Eccles. Latin”, 1995 (Ecc)


  • declension: 2nd declension
  • gender: masculine


  1. theory of matter and form in Scholastic philosophy
  • Age: Medieval (11th-15th centuries)
  • Area: Science, Philosophy, Mathematics, Units/Measures
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: L.F. Stelten, “Dictionary of Eccles. Latin”, 1995 (Ecc)



  1. stormy, of/for winter time/rainy season
  2. wintry
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: L.F. Stelten, “Dictionary of Eccles. Latin”, 1995 (Ecc)


  • declension: 2nd declension
  • gender: neuter


  1. hundred (name of land area or court)
  • Age: Medieval (11th-15th centuries)
  • Area: Legal, Government, Tax, Financial, Political, Titles
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: Sent by users—mainly by John White of Blitz Latin


  • declension: 3rd declension
  • gender: feminine


  1. bristling (of hair)
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: L.F. Stelten, “Dictionary of Eccles. Latin”, 1995 (Ecc)


  • declension: undeclined


  1. (mountain of Moses and burning bush)
  2. Sinai, Horeb
  • Age: Latin not in use in Classical times (6-10th centuries) Christian
  • Area: Ecclesiastic, Biblical, Religious
  • Geography: Near East
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: L.F. Stelten, “Dictionary of Eccles. Latin”, 1995 (Ecc)


  • declension: 1st declension
  • gender: feminine


  1. doing of honor
  2. honoring
  • Age: Latin not in use in Classical times (6-10th centuries) Christian
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: Lewis & Short, “A Latin Dictionary”, 1879 (Lewis & Short)



  1. of homilies
  2. of preaching
  • Age: Medieval (11th-15th centuries)
  • Area: Ecclesiastic, Biblical, Religious
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: L.F. Stelten, “Dictionary of Eccles. Latin”, 1995 (Ecc)


  • declension: 2nd declension
  • gender: neuter


  1. art of preaching
  2. homiletics (pl.)
  • Age: Medieval (11th-15th centuries)
  • Area: Ecclesiastic, Biblical, Religious
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: L.F. Stelten, “Dictionary of Eccles. Latin”, 1995 (Ecc)



  1. quite real
  2. wholly of purple
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: Lewis & Short, “A Latin Dictionary”, 1879 (Lewis & Short)


  • declension: 2nd declension
  • gender: masculine


  1. (term of endearment)
  2. little kid/goat
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: Agriculture, Flora, Fauna, Land, Equipment, Rural
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: Lewis & Short, “A Latin Dictionary”, 1879 (Lewis & Short)


  • declension: 1st declension
  • gender: feminine


  1. assume character of actor
  2. dramatic art
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: Lewis & Short, “A Latin Dictionary”, 1879 (Lewis & Short)



  1. of/from Hippo (town in north Africa)
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: Africa
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: L.F. Stelten, “Dictionary of Eccles. Latin”, 1995 (Ecc)


  • declension: 2nd declension
  • gender: masculine


  1. (St./Bishop of Poitiers, ~300-368, "De Trinitate", "De Synodis")
  2. Hilary
  • Age: Latin not in use in Classical times (6-10th centuries) Christian
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: Sent by users—mainly by John White of Blitz Latin



  1. of Jerusalem
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: Near East
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: L.F. Stelten, “Dictionary of Eccles. Latin”, 1995 (Ecc)



  1. (city in Palestine)
  2. (Hebrew)
  3. of/from/pertaining to Jericho
  • Age: Latin not in use in Classical times (6-10th centuries) Christian
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: Near East
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: William Whitaker’s personal guess


  • declension: undeclined


  1. (Hebrew prophet)
  2. book of Bible)
  3. Jeremiah
  • Age: Latin not in use in Classical times (6-10th centuries) Christian
  • Area: Ecclesiastic, Biblical, Religious
  • Geography: Near East
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: L.F. Stelten, “Dictionary of Eccles. Latin”, 1995 (Ecc)



  1. (of verse)
  2. hexameter
  3. with six metrical feet
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: Poetic
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 1st declension
  • gender: masculine


  1. official of cofraternity
  • Age: Latin not in use in Classical times (6-10th centuries) Christian
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: L.F. Stelten, “Dictionary of Eccles. Latin”, 1995 (Ecc)


  • declension: 1st declension
  • gender: feminine


  1. science of feasts
  • Age: Medieval (11th-15th centuries)
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: L.F. Stelten, “Dictionary of Eccles. Latin”, 1995 (Ecc)



  1. (menstruating?)
  2. having flow of blood
  3. hemorrhaging
  • Age: Medieval (11th-15th centuries)
  • Area: Biological, Medical, Body Parts
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: L.F. Stelten, “Dictionary of Eccles. Latin”, 1995 (Ecc)



  1. consisting of three halves as much
  2. one-and-a-half
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)


  • declension: 2nd declension
  • gender: neuter


  1. quarter pint, half hemina, quarter sextarius
  2. vessel/present of that measure
  • Age: In use throughout the ages/unknown
  • Area: All or none
  • Geography: All or none
  • Frequency: Having only single citation in Oxford Latin Dictionary or Lewis + Short
  • Source: “Oxford Latin Dictionary”, 1982 (OLD)

Showing page 252 of 369. Found 9,221 results total.